The Meningitis Flag

The meningitis community is a powerful force for progress, but it has never had a unifying symbol it can rally behind. Until now.

The Meningitis Flag is inspired by para-athletes affected by this devastating disease, because when these athletes compete, they not only fly the flag for their country; they fly the flag to defeat meningitis.

Raemondo Lessing

The story of a hero

Having lost both his legs and arms to meningitis when he was only a few months old, Raemondo Lessing is now one of South Africa's best para surfers – standing as a beacon of hope for all survivors of meningitis, learn more about his story. 

A unifying symbol


The yellow semi-circle represents the patient as the bright, hopeful centre of the movement, symbolising that every individual is important.


Protecting the individual is a purple triangle – a nod to families who play a supportive role. It is pointing upwards like an arrow, symbolising speed and positivity in the race against meningitis.


The final layer is a sea of blue, symbolising a sense of steadfastness
in the movement to defeat meningitis.

Global campaign

In partnership with:

Meet the designer

Laura Spring is a textile designer. Led by research and her respect for the environment, Laura’s textiles are thoughtful, timeless and made with joy. Consideration of colour and ethical production practices are also at the heart of what Laura creates. This project resonated with Laura in particular due to a personal connection to meningitis and her passion for working with communities.

Check out our global Meningitis Flag campaign